Monday, 17 September 2012

Digital Technology Revision

What were the good and bad things about the software and hardware used at AS in terms of skills development?

The positives that can be said about the hardware used at AS level in general is that it was of simple use and no learning really needed to happen in that department. Everyone know how to use the cam- recorders and the cable connecting was simple enough. Plus the Apple Macs are similar in style to a PC, so they are easy to make good use of quickly.
However there were some irritating problems with the transferring of the videos recorded from the camera to the Mac, but then that could have been more of a software related issue.

With software and the use of the programme Photoshop, there was previous basic experience there but it is nice and easy to gain the use of a new mechanic or button every time it was used. Photoshop is simple enough to use anyway and there is always more to learn. The development that was made here was the gradual development of the skills needed and realising that later on something would need altering.

Skills development in the AS level was very basic and it was really only simple new things being learnt. Realy, there was a knowledge already on how to use most of the hardware and software. 

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